Heavy rain did not dampen the ceremonies on Saturday to dedicate the new Veterans Memorial within the Edward F. O’Connell Memorial Plaza at Town Hall. In an uplifting ceremony coordinated by Selectman Jim Johnson and attended by many veterans and their families, the Town formally dedicated the Memorial and the O’Connell Plaza. Appearing on six separate monuments designed to match the brick and brownstone exterior of Town Hall are over four thousand names of veterans from Winchester who served during our country’s wars. Separate plaques were created for the Civil War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Plaque(s) will eventually be created with the names of veterans who served during the recent and ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere.
The new Veterans Memorial was a joint project of the Town and private individuals and organizations dedicated to the Town’s veterans. The O’Connell Plaza will serve as the focal point of the Town’s ceremonies on each Memorial Day and Veterans Day and as a place to reflect upon the sacrifices and contributions of those men and women who left Winchester to serve their country.
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